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- About 96% of the information is hidden in the Dark Web and the rest of the 4% is visible to the public. The dark web is the world where you can browse and talk anonymously.
- They are more likely to have legal and illegal stuff on their darknet marketplace.
- The dark web is a smaller part of the deep web that can’t be accessed without a special software like Tor, I2P, and Freenet. Among this private browsing software, Tor browser is comparatively the best.
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Find more >>Is it legal to surf/browse the dark web?
How much of the internet on the Dark Web?
- Dark web is an unknown hidden world which is not crawlable by any search engine like Google. In fact, many of them are not aware of it too.
- If you start digging the internet on the surface, you probably could get only a 4% of the information.
- But there is a deeper inside the web called Deep/Dark web, where you can get a lot more networked web pages.
- About 96% of information is hidden on the dark web underworld.
- It includes legal and illegal stuff.
- Dark web is otherwise called as “The Hidden Web” or “The Invisible Web” or “The Deep Web.”
How big is the Dark Web?
- It is unimaginable. You can’t predict the size of the dark web.
- Almost every information is hidden in the web which can’t be indexed or fetch or crawled by Googlebot or any other search engines.
- There is a marketplace in the dark/deep web where you can buy and sell drugs, guns, adult contents etc.
- There are much more things available on the dark web than the normal web.
A/N: Call this the long good-bye, but I can't seem to stay away, at least not for long, so here I am again. It always struck me as sad that Cho was left without anyone close in his life at the end of the show, so here is my Christmas remedy for that. I'm not sure how long it will be, but I promise it will give Cho the happy ending he deserved. It will be fluffy at times, given that it's a Christmas fic, and I hope to show a side of Cho we don't often see, but I know that, given the books he reads, he has to be a romantic at heart. I hope you enjoy it.
Silent Knight (Thanks for the title idea from Hayseed Socrates!)
Chapter 1
I should have driven the company SUV home, thought Kimball Cho, as the ice continued to sluice over the windshield of his new Camaro—a gift to himself after becoming Supervisory Special Agent for the Austin branch of the FBI.
But Cho had grown up in Oakland, California, and this was his very first ice storm. He had terribly misjudged how quickly the weather could deteriorate in Austin, how the ice would accumulate on the windshield wipers faster than his defroster could keep up. The roads had gone from wet to slick in minutes, and he reduced his speed to 25 mph, his leather-clad grip tightening on the steering wheel as he leaned forward to see into the darkness past the heavy freezing rain. It was all he could do to stay between the lines of the road. He could feel the ice catching at his tires, felt the helplessness as he lost control of his steering wheel for brief, terrifying moments.
The radio warned of the hazardous conditions, advising motorists to stay off the roads if at all possible.
'Yeah, no shit,' he muttered, turning off the radio in annoyance.
The other vehicles around him seemed oblivious to the storm, driving at crazy speeds without regard to the obvious danger. He shook his head at them, and reduced his speed to 20. He shouldn't have been too surprised when the compact car slid across the road in front of him, obviously out of control, gliding over the ice rink highway just inches in front of him. Without thinking, Cho slammed on his breaks to avoid plowing into the car as it passed into his lane.
This was his second mistake of the day.
It was true what they said about time seeming to slow down in the midst of an accident, for as Cho struggled with the Camaro to find traction, he had time to notice the sickening sensation of his control slipping completely away, his feet useless on both the accelerator and the brake. He felt the hard jolt of the car behind him as it clipped the tail of the driver's side, sending him spinning like a top on a frozen lake, sliding toward the steep embankment at the side of the road. He heard the hiss of the ice beneath him as he skidded; saw the streetlight looming before him, first from his right, then finally the left, as he spun inexorably closer. He reflexively closed his eyes, bracing for impact. When it came, all the front airbags deployed, and he was surrounded by cushioning pillows and the acrid smell of sudden compressed air. A fine powdery substance filled the interior like smoke, and his seatbelt had done its job, pressing him hard against his seat.
When Cho realized that he was, in fact, alive and not horribly mangled in the crash, he slowly opened his eyes. The streetlight had pushed his passenger side door so far in that he could touch it on the driver's side, but he refrained in horror from doing so. With his head erect now, he realized his face had gone numb, and he suddenly tasted the blood he knew must be pouring from his bruised nose.
He wanted nothing more than to rest his head against the cushioned steering wheel for a moment, but as he inhaled the air bag powder, he began to cough uncontrollably. Cho struggled for the door handle beneath the deflating side bag, managing to push open the door as the ice continued to click against his windshield mockingly, his wipers still struggling vainly to keep up.
'Sir, are you all right?'
Cho looked up in surprise at the petite, parka-clad figure standing before him. Still coughing, he took in great gulps of fresh, cold air, nodding his reply. The woman held open the door against the wind as she peered down into his wrecked car.
The interior light had come on with the open door, augmented by the resilient streetlight above them. The cold woke him up from his initial shock, the fresh air clearing his lungs somewhat. He heard the crunch of lug-soled boots on the churned up ice beside his car, felt the damp, mittened hands of his rescuer, quickly and efficiently touching his face and neck first, then his thighs and calves, obviously checking for injuries.
He looked up into her face then, noticed in one glance several things at once: a sage green stocking cap pulled low over her forehead; omber curls peeping out near her slim neck; a hint of rose on her high cheekbones and nose from the cold; full pink lips that, even in his diminished state, made him think of sensual kisses. But it was her eyes that captivated him the most. They were the exact color of her cap-bright, intelligent, and startlingly pale against her caramel complexion. Once upon a time, these same green eyes had haunted Cho's dreams, and although he hadn't looked into them in years, he would have known them anywhere. At that same moment, the woman recognized him as well, those amazing eyes widening in a different kind of shock.
'Kimball,' she whispered.
'Avery,' he replied in disbelief, the name rising to his lips from a long-hidden place in his memory. He'd said it in his mind often enough, especially in those first years without her, but Cho had not spoken it aloud since the day the U-haul had taken her and her family away from him.
She touched his cheek once more in wonder, but then they both jumped as a clap of thunder shook the night, and the freezing rain increased tenfold.
'Let's get you out of here and into my warm car,' she yelled over the din, her voice urgent and professional once more. 'You think you can move?'
'Yeah,' he said, and he swung his legs out into the icy deluge.
At the last minute he leaned back in toward the crumpled passenger side.

'Wait,' he said.
He managed to grab his leather jacket, now covered with fine white powder. He was grateful to feel the weight of his cell phone still inside the front pocket. He turned off the car's start button and pocketed his key ring as well. With a deep breath, he gripped the top edge of the car. He was dressed for work in his leather-soled dress shoes, so he knew he would have a rough time navigating the slick street back to her car. His legs felt weak at first from the accident, and he stood in the downpour a moment, trying to steady himself before gingerly putting his jacket on over his wet and dusty suit coat. He must have teetered a bit, for Avery grabbed hold of his arm so he wouldn't fall.
'You okay?'
'I think so,' he said shakily.
Her practical snow boots allowed her to walk much more confidently, but it was a slow and perilous trek for Cho, and he feared he would take them both down if his shoes gave out beneath him.
Finally, after a few close calls, they made it to her blue SUV, still running, the windshield wipers flapping frantically, the heater and defrost going full blast inside. He climbed inside with relief as she shut the door, the wind catching it with a strident bang.
He watched dazedly as she crossed carefully before her vehicle's headlights, then made it to the driver's seat.
'Seatbelts,' she cautioned, putting on her own. She took off her wet cap and tossed it in the backseat, fluffing her curls absently. He resisted the insane urge to reach out and touch them. She turned to him with a smile, and Cho felt his heart clench with painful familiarity.
'It'll be slow-going, but I think we can make it into the hospital. It's only about a mile to the exit.'
'I don't need a doctor,' he said, grabbing a handful of tissues from the travel- sized box in the console. He pressed them to his bleeding nose.
'Too late,' she said, now focusing on merging safely into the lights of oncoming traffic. 'You've already got one.'
Avery was too focused on driving down the treacherous highway to say much more, which was certainly all right with the normally taciturn Cho. But as the fog from the accident finally lifted from his mind, his thoughts spun faster than his wrecked Camaro with questions.
What the hell was she doing in Austin?
Where had she been the last twenty-five years?
And since when had she become a doctor?
Was she married? With children?
He must have been still in shock from the wreck, for he couldn't seem to make any of the questions form on his lips.
It took them a grueling half-hour to make it to the hospital, but at last Avery pulled up beneath the covered portico of the Emergency Room of Austin General Hospital. She hopped out and looked back at her passenger.
'Hold on a second,' she told him, then ran in through the sliding doors and spoke quickly with the nurse at the front desk. The nurse returned behind her with a wheelchair.
'I'm fine,' Cho insisted, but something in Avery's voice and expression broke down his usual stubbornness, and he remembered with a bemused shake of his head that she had always had that affect on him. And so he found himself letting her help him into the chair, even though he could have easily walked in under his own steam. She wheeled him into the waiting area and left him there with a promise to return.
Inside the warm safety of the ER, things were just starting to get very busy, as ambulances arrived carrying other accident victims in much worse shape than Cho. He had a sinking feeling that this storm would bring many more, and glancing up at the silent television mounted on the wall, he could see the animation on the weatherman's face as he warned that the worst was yet to come.
As if on cue, the lights in the hospital briefly flickered, and those around him paused in dread-filled anticipation, sighing in relief when the power remained on. Someone had taken the time to decorate the waiting area with a bit of tinsel and ribbon for the holidays, no doubt with the intent of lending a bit of cheer to the frightened and injured. He wondered if Avery had had anything to do with it; Christmas had always been her favorite holiday.
Avery returned, her parka replaced with a white doctor's coat and her boots with comfortable sneakers. Her ID badge told him her last name hadn't changed, which gave him a pleasing jolt that he quickly tamped down. Her name didn't mean anything anyway; women used their maiden names professionally all the time. Not that it mattered. Twenty-five years was a very long time…
She was peering into his eyes with a penlight now, nodding to herself in satisfaction. He could smell her hair, some light fresh fragrance that reminded him of spring, along with the faint scent of winter for their sojourn outside. She wore no perfume that he could detect, but the soap she had used smelled of bright citrus, her soft breath laced with cinnamon mouthwash. She stood tantalizingly close to him, and the teenage heart of him stirred with a re-awakened longing.
She gave him an icepack for his nose, which thankfully had stopped bleeding.
'Except for a pretty impressive shiner, you'll live,' she pronounced with a grin. 'Not so sure about your pretty new car though.'
Cho blanched. 'It was a good car.'
'You always wanted one,' she reminded him slyly.
'Yeah.' She obviously remembered that it had been a Camaro he'd taken joyriding when he was fourteen. He didn't know why, but Cho felt his face flush a little in remembrance. He hid it with the ice pack.

'Doctor Brooks,' called a nurse, as another ambulance arrived.
'Sit tight, Kimball. No sense trying to get home in this weather.'
He nodded. 'Thanks.'
And then she was off, seeing to other arriving patients.
Cho watched her from a distance, noted her easy skill and composure under pressure. She expertly triaged the arrivals, delivering orders to the nurses and interns with admirable command. He could tell she was very good at her job. He also admired the graceful sway of her hips, the straightening of her shoulders as she worked. Nothing was sexier to him than a confident woman.
With a sigh, he retrieved his cell phone from his coat and called Teresa Lisbon.
'Hey, Cho, did you make it home okay?'
'No, actually,' he said. 'I'm at Austin General.'
'Nothing serious, just a bloody nose from the air bag and my neck's starting to ache. Whiplash, maybe.'
'What happened?'
He related to his former boss in his typically succinct manner everything that had happened leading up to the accident, but when it came to Dr. Avery Brooks, once he began talking about her, he couldn't seem to stop himself. He actually imparted the details of his long-ago history with Avery-albeit a very brief account—but for Cho, it was like an emotional wellspring had burst forth from within.
'Wow,' commented Jane when Cho finished his story. 'Of all the icy roads in all the towns in all the world…'
'Yeah,' said Cho, feeling embarrassed now that he'd shared so much, especially with Patrick Jane.
He heard the fussy babbling of a small child very near his ear, and he knew Lisbon must be holding little Samuel on her hip. At nearly a year old, he was getting to be quite the handful.
'Sorry,' said Lisbon as the infant cried over them. 'He wants his dinner.'
'You want me to come and get you?' asked Jane, taking the phone from his wife. 'Lisbon's SUV should make it, easy.'
'No thanks,' said Cho. 'No sense your going out into this mess. I'll see if I can hitch a ride from a state trooper. I saw one escorting one of the ambulances in.'
'Okay. Well, glad you're all right, Kimball. Sorry to hear about your car, though. That was one sweet ride, and you hadn't even let me drive it yet.'
'Yeah,' said Cho, his lips quirking. 'Too bad.' As if he would have let lead-foot Jane ever drive it anyway. 'Tell Lisbon to stay home tomorrow if the roads are still bad.'
'Will do.'
They said their goodbyes and Cho rose from his wheelchair, suddenly tired of sitting when there was so much activity around him. His eyes searched the ER, but Avery was nowhere to be found, and he tried to suppress his disappointment. A Texas State Trooper was updating his notes about the condition of an accident victim, when Cho approached him, FBI identification and badge at the ready. He explained his situation.
'I'd appreciate a lift back to my office when you get the chance,' said Cho.
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The trooper smiled, and Cho noted the good-natured expression of superiority at having something over a federal agent.
'Sure, Agent Cho. Anything to help the Feds. Give me about five minutes, and we can clear out.'
At that moment, Avery emerged from a draped off exam room. She caught Cho's eye from across the room, frowned that he was out of his chair, then, after conferring with a nurse at the front desk, made her way over to him in the waiting area. As she walked toward him, Cho felt his pulse accelerate.
'Hey,' she said, 'I don't remember releasing you from my care.'
Cho very nearly smiled. 'I was never actually admitted,' he countered.
She reached up suddenly and brushed her hand through his short hair; Cho's heart gave a little flip. Powder from the air bag drifted around him like snow, and she grinned.

'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in here.'
This time, he did smile, and his dimples transformed his face. She stepped hastily away as if burned, for the first time that night showing a hint of uncertainty. Cho felt his body go warm, his smile fading.
'I, uh—' he cleared his throat. 'I found a ride back to my office.'
Her face returned to its pleasant, professional mask. 'Good. But I wish you'd consider staying the night for observation. You could have a concussion…'
'I'm fine. My nose even stopped bleeding.'
'I see that.'
They both stood at a loss, neither of them wanting to say goodbye. They met each other's eyes, brown and green mutually transfixed.
'Well, thanks,' said Cho finally, looking casually away.
'I'm happy I could help.'

Cho nodded once, his throat tight. There was so much he wanted to say, so much to ask, but his old shyness—what some still misconstrued as aloofness—tied his tongue.
'Agent Cho?' called the trooper from near the exit. 'You ready?'
'Yeah,' he replied, eyes still on Avery.
'Dr. Brooks?' She was being paged too, by a nurse with a computer tablet.
'Agent?' said Avery, eyebrows raised.
'FBI,' said Cho, and he felt a keen sense of pride at his occupation. Last time she'd known him, he was being recruited by the Avon Park Playboys.
'Code Blue! Code Blue! Dr. Brooks!'
'Sorry, Kimball. Duty calls.'
'Thanks,' he repeated.
'You already said that,' she said over her shoulder, the smile he remembered so well the last thing he saw as she jogged down the hall.
'Well that's odd,' said Jane, joining Lisbon in the kitchen to watch her slip another bite of strained peas into their son's open mouth.
'I know. Samuel didn't used to like peas—'
Jane chuckled and bent to kiss the top of her head indulgently. 'No, my love, I mean that call from Cho.'
Her eyebrows narrowed, and she lowered the baby's spoon. 'Oh. Sorry. I've got mommy brains today. You mean how he went on and on about that Avery person? I admit I have never in all our years of working together heard him discuss a woman from his personal life.'
'Me neither,' said Jane with a nod. 'By the way he gushed over her—well, gushed Cho style-she must have been his one.'
Samuel began grunting in frustration and scooting toward his mother in his high chair. Lisbon dutifully brought the spoon back to his mouth, grinning at his appetite. He definitely got that from his father, she mused.
'You mean his one true love? His soulmate?'
'I suppose, if you believe in that sort of thing. I was actually meaning Avery was his one that got away. Our Cho is a pretty tough nut to crack—even for me—but I'd say his nut cracker goes by the name of Dr. Avery Brooks, by the way he spoke of her. Unfortunately, I'll bet you a hot fudge sundae that he leaves without getting her number.'
Lisbon opened a second jar of baby food. Apricots this time. Jane automatically changed places with his wife, taking the spoon from her hand and sitting at the kitchen table, while she went to the sink to wash the peas off her hands. They were a good team.
'Here comes the rocket ship little man,' said Jane, his smile big as Texas as he poised the spoon in the air.
'You really think Cho would rediscover the love of his life and just walk away?' asked Lisbon, leaning her back against the counter. Her woman's heart rebelled against the very idea. But then, she thought about how she'd waited for years for Jane to admit he loved her, and had almost thrown everything away herself because of her own shyness and fear.
'What do you think he's been doing these past twenty-five years, Teresa? He's been purposefully staying away. He's had access to law enforcement data all this time and hasn't once tracked her down and gone to see her. Something's holding him back. I'd say she hurt him so terribly he never wants to experience that kind of pain again.'
'But they're both older—'
'There's no statute of limitations on a broken heart, Lisbon.'
Lisbon smirked. 'Now that's profound. Well, this explains why Cho's never married, why he's never been serious about anyone that I know of. Except maybe Summer Edgecomb, and he never actually admitted they were involved—a mistake when all your friends are government agents.'
'Obviously he was too embarrassed that she was an ex-hooker with a nasty drug habit. He thought he could save her, but learned the hard way that some people just can't be redeemed.'
Lisbon handed Jane a damp towel to wipe Samuel's mouth and hands.
'I don't believe that,' she said to her once ne'er do well husband. 'But at any rate, Summer obviously wasn't the one for him. But how do we know this Dr. Avery is? I mean, I certainly wouldn't want my first love back. You met him-can you see him with me now?'
Jane picked up the now satiated Samuel and cuddled him to his shoulder, then pulled his wife to his side with his free hand. 'Absolutely not,' he whispered. 'But then, he wasn't your one true love, was he?'
He bent and kissed her softly on the mouth. Samuel squirmed between them and his parents laughed, parting reluctantly.
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'Some other man has come between us already,' said Lisbon, kissing Samuel's damp cheek.
They family moved into the newly refurbished living room of their country cottage, Jane setting the baby on a blanket on the floor. The fresh pine scent of their Christmas tree suffused the air, their three stockings hung above the merrily crackling fire. Samuel immediately crawled to the coffee table, where he pulled himself up on shaky legs to grin triumphantly at his parents. He was on the verge of taking his first steps.
'Keep trying, Sammy,' said Jane. 'You'll be chasing after girls before you know it.'
Lisbon punched her husband in the arm, none too gently. 'Stop! It's way too early to put such ideas into his head.'
'Oh, he'll have those ideas as soon as he's able to chase them, trust me,' he said, rubbing his sore arm with a grin.
Lisbon shook her head. They were silent a few minutes, watching Samuel snake his way around the coffee table, his tiny hands holding on for balance. Lisbon glanced at her husband and frowned, able to see after all these years when those wheels of his were turning in his brilliant mind.
'Don't even think about it, Jane.'
'What?' he said innocently.
'Playing matchmaker with Cho and Avery.'
Jane shrugged. 'Sometimes a man needs a little push, an ultimatum even, to realize what's really good for him.'
He met his wife's eyes, and she had no trouble applying his meaning to their own complicated love story.
'And sometimes, outsiders just need to mind their own damn business and stay out of people's lives,' she countered.

'True,' he admitted, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. 'But hey, if it isn't meant to be, it won't happen, right, Mrs. Jane?' He was playing the Destiny card, one that he didn't really believe in for a moment, but one he knew she did.
Warmth flooded her, starting from where his lips rested on her palm and working its way to her cheeks, then lower. The bastard knew he could win any argument now just by kissing her, and she was helpless to deny him when he was looking at her like this. She cupped his lightly stubbled cheek with her palm and he leaned in to her caress like a cat.
'Don't blame me if the whole thing blows up in your face, Dolly Levi,' she whispered, meeting his heated gaze.
Samuel's sudden laughter interrupted them again, and they looked over to see their son, standing on his own without holding onto the table.
'Look at you, big boy!' cried Lisbon, her eyes watering with glee. She dropped to her knees a small distance before him, holding out her hands in hopes that he might walk to her.
A smile, so like his father's, split his dimpled cheeks at her approval.
Jane watched them, surprised anew at his endless capacity for happiness.
'Come to Mommy,' Lisbon encouraged.
Samuel lunged at her in excitement, but unfortunately, after only one step, wobbled backward and landed on the floor upon his diaper-padded bottom. Lisbon picked him up and kissed his angelic blonde curls, inhaling his baby scent of lotion and jarred apricots. He didn't tolerate her affection for long, however, wriggling to get out of her embrace to try again.
'That's the spirit, kid,' said Jane, chuckling at his son's antics. 'Never let a woman hold you back.'
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As Samuel began his journey around the coffee table again, Jane thought of Cho, alone in that spartan apartment of his, nothing to come home to but a football game on TV and a frozen dinner. Jane had lived that way himself too long to wish that painful isolation upon anyone. He supposed it had a lot to do with the newfound Christmas spirit he never dreamed he would have again.
He resolved that, as soon as the roads were passable, he would make a trip into town. Maybe makes some inquiries at Austin General. After all, it was his duty as a friend to give Cho the push he needed, whether he liked it or not.
Jane's mind set on his plan, he dropped to the floor beside his wife and child, the lights from the tree sparkling in his eyes.
A/N: More to come soon! Thanks for reading.