For Streets of Rage 4 on the Macintosh, GameFAQs hosts videos from GameSpot and submitted by users.

Switch: eShop
PS4: PSN USA, Europe
Xbox One: Microsoft Store
Windows, Mac, Linux: Steam, GOG, Humble
- 8 months ago ThaiGameGuide Streets of Rage 4 Amongst the best beat’em up series ever created, jammin’ ‘90s beats and over the top street fighting, the iconic series Streets of Rage comes back with a masterful tribute to and revitalization of the classic action fans adore. Does Streets of Rage 4 have Co-op or Multiplayer?
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direct purchase on Bandcamp
all streaming platforms via Mutant Ninja Records
+cinematic tracks by H-Pi
vinyls via Brave Wave and Limited Run Games
Limited Run Games (USA): pre-order until May 10.
Please note that pre-orders close on Sunday, May 10 at 11:59 Eastern Time.
As a result physical edition won’t be available for 2-4 months after the pre-order window closes.
« We’ve heard you loud and clear. Streets of Rage 4 Classic Editions for both PS4 and Switch will now feature a Genesis/Megadrive reversible cover » (Details)
Streets Of Rage 4 For Mac Os
Merge Games (USA, EUR):
Signature Edition + Regular editions (Xbox, PS4, Switch, PC) available from retailers from July 30th.
Streets Of Rage 4 For Mac Torrent
3GOO (Japan): 『ベア・ナックルIV スペシャルエディション』 (Switch, PS4)
Available from retailers from July 30th.
Contact and assets: see Presskit and Fankit 01, Fankit 02
Development diaries: Music (Part 1), Music (Part 2), Gameplay, Art
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